We are pleased to provide the following websites for your assistance We have reviewed each of these websites, but, obviously, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on other persons’ websites. We will continue to add new sites so if you have or see a site that should be included here please let us know.
Looms Interfaced by ProWeave
Arm Looms (Switzerland): http://www.arm-loom.ch
AVL Looms: http://www.avlusa.com
Leclerc Loom: http://www.leclerclooms.com
Louët bv International: http://www.louet.nl
Louet North America: http://www.louet.com
Macomber Looms: PO Box 186, York, ME 03909, USA, 207-363-2808 (no internet address available)
Applied Designs Sites of Interest
Elaine's Deyo's needle felt pieces are worth a visit: http://meet-branson.com
Kelly Marshall weaves mostly warp rep articles: http://kellymarshall.com
Weavers Pages: supplies, newsletters, for sale pages, miscellaneous
Barter/swap/trade: http://www.angelfire.com/me2/BARTERPAGE/barter.html
Weaving List discussion group: http://www.quilt.net/weaving.html
Weave Tech List - Intermediate/advanced discussion group: http://www.groups.yahoo.com/group/weavetech/
Ralph Griswolds’ Weaving Draft Archive: http://www.handweaving.net
Weavershand – tablet weaving,etc: http://www.weavershand.com
WIF/TIF Design Conversion utility software: http://www.softweave.com
Ruth Stowes’ Weaving and Fibre Resources - an immense information base: http://www.weavingworld.ca/weave.htm
The Spinner's, Knitters, and Weaver's Winter Housecleaning Pages: http://www.kbbspin.org
Ron Parker's Fiber Homepage: Another immense information base: http://hem.bredband.net/ronpar
Weaving Guilds, Organizations and Magazines, Worldwide
Complex Weavers: http://www.complex-weavers.org
Weaving/Spinning Guilds international: http://www.weavingworld.ca/wlists.htm
Handweavers Guild of America: http://www.weavespindye.org
The Atlantic Spinners and Handweavers: http://www.parl.ns.ca/ash/
Hand Weavers, Spinners & Dyers of Alberta: http://www.hwsda.org
Manitoba Weavers and Fibre Artists: http://www.mbweavers.ca
Guild of Canadian Weavers: http://www.thegcw.org
Association of Northwest Weavers' Guilds: http://www.northwestweavers.org
Interweave Press Handwoven magazine: http://www.interweave.com/weave
VävMagasinet : http://www.vavmagasinet.com